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How to distinguish between forging and casting aluminum wheel rims

The aluminum alloy wheels produced by LANDCROWN company are the most advanced forging pressure process in the world, and compared with most cast aluminum wheels on the market, there are obvious differences and advantages.

For aluminum alloy wheels, how to distinguish between forging and casting?

1. Light weight
The process method of forging wheel hub is to use high pressure to press a heated alloy rod into a rough embryo (prototype) of the wheel hub, and then through 3 high-pressure forging, due to continuous high pressure deformation, so the molecules between the alloys will be smaller, the gap will be finer, the density will be higher, and the interaction force between the material molecules will be stronger. So the hub only needs less raw material to achieve enough rigidity, so that the overall weight is lighter.

2. Strong rigidity
Through forging can eliminate the metal in the smelting process of the as-cast loose and other defects, optimize the microstructure, while because of the preservation of the complete metal flow line, the mechanical properties of the forging is much better than the same material castings.

3. how to judge from the appearance is forging or casting?

Positive judgment: 

Casting wheels generally need 7° to 10° Drawing Angle due to process reasons, forging wheels generally 0° to 3° Drawing Angle, so you can intuitively judge, as shown below:

Sound judgment: 

Good aluminum makes the wheels denser, so the echo of the knock is clearer. If it is the liquid aluminum forging technology to create the most crisp sound of the wheel, and the echo may sometimes last for several seconds. If you find that the echo is dull or almost no echo after tapping, it is better to give up.
Under the microscope:

the metal molecules arranged in the right cast wheel hub are loose particles, and the metal molecules arranged in the left forged aluminum alloy wheel hub are very tight. The closer the metal molecules are arranged, the higher the toughness of the wheel hub, the better the impact resistance, strength, and load-bearing capacity.